I admit: I’ve been missing from this blog for some time. The fact is that each year is becoming more beautiful from a work point of view and also more demanding. And those who do blogging will know exactly what following a blog properly means in terms of time and commitment. Nevertheless, the ideas in posts to tell you about my Puglia and my touristic and real estate activity are many, in fact I have just finished a good editorial calendar in which I would like to tell you a lot of new things about Lecce, the Salento beaches, its countryside, the places to visit, where to eat well … The occasion to reorganise this blog was the Rimini TTG Incontri fair, a fair in which we were present with some very interesting business-to-business appointments. I’ll tell you what happened to me.
I had half day off and I took advantage of it to go round Ravenna, a city I visited many times. In the heart of the city centre, Piazza San Francesco, there is the Tourist Office of the Ravenna Municipality and I went in to ask for some information. “Good morning, what could I see in half a day in this city?” I asked the person at the information point who immediately explains the situation. I told her I had seen the most important things in Ravenna in the past and that I would have liked to visit something different. The person gave me various suggestions, museums and minor churches compared to the more famous ones and then asked me: where do you come from? From Lecce, I answer. Oh, how beutiful Lecce is! I’ve been there, to Porto Cesareo as well. Really? I have a real estate agency right in Porto Cesareo, on the Torre Lapillo beach to be precise! Here, take this. It is my business card, we do holiday rentals in Salento. She takes it and reads: ThePuglia Real Estate. Really? ThePuglia? Just the time to understand that I am Fabio from the blog. I spent so much time reading your blog before going to Salento. These are satisfactions of doing a good job …
That is an ulterior reason to dedicate part of my time to tell you about my region and my Salento! I must make a positive remark about the Tourist Office staff in the Ravenna Municipality: they were available and ready to suggest what to do in half a grey day which lead me to discover Teodorico’s Palace and the Church of Saint John the Evangelist. While the next day at the TTG Incontri I had a series of focused appointments on b2b. Here, going round the stands of the fair, I visited the fantastic Puglia pavilion and its #weareinpuglia. The fair had a very good air of positivity, there is so much interest about Puglia and all this helps the whole division.
Then, I took advantage of the proximity to quickly visit Venice. Well, it was the first time and like all first times there are so many things to tell. I’ll do it soon in this blog in which in substance I will say that I was literally enraptured by this marvellous city.